Friday, June 13, 2008


Well since I last posted, I have moved, unpacked the entire house, attended two in-service meetings (both which were very informative) and have had time to sleep in. Now, it has also been 106 each day...but I am not complaining.

My new school is beautiful and the staff is young and full of energy; we had a blast at the in-service. Its nice to be back in my own dogs don't know what to do with all the room.

Now for the work..I am two weeks behind in my graduate classes and the classes end tomorrow...I should be working but I am not; I made a promise to someone that I would blog as often as I can and I will keep that promise.

I'm off to write a paper...oh joy!


Ms Characterized said...

Yay! I'm so glad to hear that you're havign fun at your new school. I can't wait until everyone has nicknames and you're blabbing on about them, too. finish your paper -- and don't forget the free proofreading service provided to you by...well, YKW.

Q6 said...

Do your thing. Keep us posted, but do your thing. You're missed, but you'll keep us up to date.