Friday, August 29, 2008

in the words of Willy Wonka...

We have to move on we have so much time and so little to see....(strike that, reverse it)...OK, on we go!

So the first week at a new school has come and gone. WHEW! I have to tell you that I LOVE MY KIDS, the STAFF and PARENTS! Although I left a great school with great people...this school is no comparison - it has been great. There are only 9th and 10th graders - 70% are Hispanic and I am being called "Mr." every class period, but they are so appreciative that I am there it isn't even funny; yes it is....and kinda endearing.

We have had out "new school" problems but nothing like in the past...Oh Darn, the new I-Macs that are in our rooms wont get the software to be dual platform until next week....the LCD projectors that are being installed IN THE CEILING just came in this week and wont get put up until Monday....oh well...its rough.

The week went smooth...

I spent it getting to know the kids and letting them know who I am and what i expect...that is always fun. I am already hearing my name called out when I walk through the Quad area.

Since we are an Academy (I am in the medical and education house) I thought it would be funny to get into it - so I wore my Lab Coat (given to me by a previous student),

and my Master's gown from when I graduated. Now, the staff looked at me like I was nuts...heck I am! :-) But the kids knew why i did it...and they thought it was great. I had kids today ask me where my "robe" was...they all thought of "Harry Potter" when I walked around school.

Now...I am Student Council Advisor for my "house" ...which we are in the process of naming; NHS advisor and in my spare time I am doing Staff Development for the school. This is no surprise to those that know me...I always jump in with both feet....sometimes without looking.

I also started teaching at the colleges I was hired at...three of them. Two online and one on campus. The on campus one was AWESOME! Age range was 18-50; I had the best class, the three hours went by so quick and they said it was painless. i can't wait til next week...more to come!

All in all, it was a great week and now, I have to play catch up with my life. Can't wait to see how my old friends are on the Death Star....

1 comment:

Maestro said...

From the "Death Star" -

I'm sick. I have more kids in band than I can accommodate with instruments. Palpatine is still... Palpatine, although the Rebel Alliance seems to be having some effect. Other than thta, life is okay.