Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ahhh....a light at the end of the tunnel

It has been a crazy two weeks, but overall things are good!

School is good, kids are still good (honeymoon isn't over yet) and I am completing my final paper for my graduate class today, which then gives me 3 weeks before starting the last of my courses for my PhD. Hey, I think that moves me into ABD status...I'll have to check!

Life has been uneventful, except for my college class...I teach at a local college once a week for 3 hours, and as much as I thought I was going to dread it...I am actually having a good time. There are 32 students...yes in a college class (its a requirement for psychology students) and the age range is from 18-52; I am mid-range and I'm the instructor. Let me tell you the more seasoned folks asked if I had even finished going through puberty yet...I'm teaching an adolescent and emerging adulthood course...which made me laugh.

Anyway, its been fun second week and only two dropped...while others email me and tell me how they enjoy the class. So, that being said it will not surprise you that when a post of an Assistant Professor was posted, I applied. Review of applications begin in October...position begins in Aug 2009, by then I should have gone from "Dr" to Dr. (meaning I completed dissertation and was conferred a degree).

I'll keep you posted on that. Other than that...nothing too spectacular.

1 comment:

Ms Characterized said...

Man, oh man, I knew you were going places!