Sunday, September 14, 2008

Return of the Sith... has been over two months since I resigned from my last position; however, a few days ago, I received an email from Principal Palpatine about a student that is questioning the F they received in a course I taught over the summer. Sally Slacker waits until August 22 - to email me and tell me that she noticed her grade was an F, that she completed and turned in all the work and if I can look at the work and give her a P so that she can get into the colleges she is applying for she would appreciate which I reply:

Sally, I appreciate your contacting me about your grade, however, I have not received any of the assignments in which you mention. I will however, go back into the online course and research the times you logged in and submitted anything, since the system keeps track of everything. At this point your grade stands and I am sorry you didn't notice this earlier in the course.

Needless to say, the students and parents at the school I left are not very keen on grades lower than an A; since they are all college bound. So, now the parents have started questioning the practices of the course and "blaming" the instructor for not notifying them she was failing. Lawyers are eminent. The parents also think that the instructor is prejudice and questions the students honesty. Funny thing is...I don't know the student personally...its an online who knows what they want from me....

However, the district has assured me that they are NOT going to do a grade change or allow her to complete the work, since she was able to complete her work in another online course and earn a passing grade. Funny how that works...we're all on the same system so how can one course work and the other not? I did say that I would reconsider the grade....but even late work is only 1/2 credit and that would only get her a D - still not good for those colleges...

Will keep you updated on the events...


Ms Characterized said...

And thank you district! Surprising.

Billie's Mummy said...

If you resigned and no longer work there, then how is this your problem!? Shouldn't the Principal do their job and sort it out.