Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Disturbance in the force...

So I have not been posting lately because of some many issues that I have been dealing with; however, as of Friday those have been resolved. Many of the people that know me know that I adopted a child six years ago, one with several psychological disorders. With my background in psychology, it was my belief that I could be supportive since my son's biological parents had no interest in being parents. Over the last five years, we have attempted to build an attachment. Now, I L OVE my son very much - please know that! It is very difficult to know that all my education and attempts to show him that someone loves him have failed.

He has had many run-ins with the law, and has really displayed some anti-social characteristics. Therapy, love and direction did not help the situation; there were days that I didn't sleep concerned that he was heading down the wrong path.

Now, until I write the book, you will have to wait to get the entire story; but as of Friday he was detained and booked into juvenile hall; which was very hard for me to accept, although a sense of relief came over me when it did settle in.

I just hope that he one day realizes that the issue is more than just someone loving him; but his having to accept consequences for his behavior; something that he has never had before.

I'm hoping that there will be more time to post from now on...


Ms Characterized said...

I'm thinkin' of you, both happy and sad for you.

Q6 said...

Sometimes I sit and wonder why I have to put up with some of the crap that comes my way--and as much as I wouldn't wish your woes upon you, it puts my issues into perspective.

What I don't get--and commend you for--is the way with which you tolerate it all. Your son may have problems, but his dad is the most grounded f**king guy I know.

Maestro said...

"It is very difficult to know that all my education and attempts to show him that someone loves him have failed"

I know its hard not to take it as a personal failure. My mom went through the same thing with my brother, and she tried everything as well. You committment to his well-being is extraordinary, and I hope he realizes it someday.